Become an FMHA Member!

To complete your membership (either new OR renewal) online and pay safely and securely, click on the button above. You may use a credit or debit card or GooglePay. Your account statement will show the charge from FMHA/FL Morgan Horse Assn.

To download, print and mail a
Membership Form with a check, CLICK HERE.
Please mail your form to:
Jeanette Singleton, FMHA Treasurer
4208 W. Corona St.
Tampa, FL 33629

All memberships are valid from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31st of current year. FMHA High Point Awards DO NOT COUNT until the date your membership dues are received by the club.

Individual/Youth – $25/yr
Family or Farm/Business – $35/yr

If you are a current FMHA member and would like to be able to comment (where allowed) on this site, you will need to register as a user. Please send us a message through the Contact page and we will send you a user account email.

The Florida Morgan Horse Association is a local club affiliated with the American Morgan Horse Association.

Club Officers


Martha Stein, President

Karen Gardner, Vice President

Jeanette Singleton, Treasurer

Paula Black, Secretary


Glenn Winograd
Kevin Gibson
Deborah Ferrell
Sally Ann Lyle
Diane Tanguay
Cheri Barber
Alicia Davis
Janice Scotto
Ashley Zimmerman
Lisa Norris


Chairmen & Coordinators

Banquet Coordinator: Deb Ferrell

Citrus Cup Horse Show Chairperson: Alicia Davis

High Point Coordinator: Diane Tanguay

Membership Coordinator: Diane Tanguay

Summer’s End Horse Show Chairman: Glenn Winograd

Newsletter Editor: Sally Ann Lyle

Website Coordinator: Tami Johnson

Tropical Trotters Youth Group Coordinators:  TBD